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244 West Gilman Street, Madison, WI

Where You Want to Be

Property Description: A busy, high-traffic, high-visibility urban freestanding retail unit located below luxury apartments. Surrounded by many local, longterm establishments including restaurants, quick marts, soft goods and coffee shops.

Location Description: Located on West Gilman Street, this property is bordered by the popular Mansion Hill student neighborhood, a busy pedestrian mall and Madison’s downtown business district. It is a high-traffic area that attracts a diverse demographic group.


  • Heavy pedestrian and auto traffic daily
  • Located in a popular student rental district
  • Less than a block from State Street
  • Excellent neighboring businesses
  • Metered street parking out front, ramp access less than a block away
  • Store front sign is visible from State Street
  • Glass store front, perfect for retail displays


  • Appx. 1,800 sq. ft. and 600 sq. ft. of storage space
  • Garage parking is also available to lease
  • Urban Retail Space
  • Built in 2001
SpaceFloor PlanOccupantApprox. Sq. FtAvailability
1Los Gemelos1,800 sq. ft.None
Alyssa Hellenbrand Best

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